Test Program Generator
Dynamic Custom Code
A big advantage that the Origen program generator has over other tools is that even if you need to generate a test program file that is not officially supported by the generator you can easily work around it by dropping down to a template for that specific section of the program.
A nice offshoot of this capability is that any custom code in your test program (such as custom Visual Basic or C++ code for example) can be dynamically generated via code templates.
Generally using templates within the context of a test program is the same as using them in any other context and therefore the Compiler Guide should be consulted for more details on the compiler syntax that should be used.
For a tester oriented example here is a snippet of some VB code that has been marked up with Origen compiler directives:
NUM_VREGS = <%= $dut.vregs.size %>
' Now initialize DUT variables for each site
For lSite = 0 To lSiteCnt
With oDUTData(lSite)
Call .Clear
% $dut.vregs.each do |vreg|
Call .AddVreg(<%= vreg.nominal_level %>)
% end
End With
So for a device with a 1.2V and a 3V regulator this would compile to:
' Now initialize DUT variables for each site
For lSite = 0 To lSiteCnt
With oDUTData(lSite)
Call .Clear
Call .AddVreg(1.2)
Call .AddVreg(3)
End With
Whereas for a device with only a single 1.2V regulator we would end up with:
' Now initialize DUT variables for each site
For lSite = 0 To lSiteCnt
With oDUTData(lSite)
Call .Clear
Call .AddVreg(1.2)
End With
Compiling any templates that form part of your test program can be co-ordinated
within a Resources file by calling the compile
Any option arguments passed in will be available within the options
hash within the template.
Resources.create do
compile "templates/j750/vreg_funcs.bas", max_vdd: 5.V