Specifications defines a specifications (or spec):
a detailed description or assessment of requirements, dimensions, materials, etc., as of proposed building, machine, bridge, etc.
Origen refines spec to mean a parametric measure that has the following basic attributes:
- Name
- Symbol
- Type
- Mode
- Audience
- Description
- Limits (min, max, typ)
This is not the complete list of attributes but a well defined spec should define these attributes.
The spec API is in the preliminary stages so please send feedback for enhancements
Most engineers are probably familiar with a data sheet specification that looks something like this:
Parameter | Symbol | Min | Typ | Max | Unit | Notes |
ADDR/CMD Setup | tddkhas | 495 | ps | wrt MCK |
There are three attributes required to define a Spec: name, mode, and type. A fourth attribute (sub_type) can further delineate a Spec but it is not required. The basic spec API can take two syntactical forms. The first is a more traditional Ruby syntax and the second makes the API feel more like a custom DSL.
spec :soc_vdd, :dc do |spec|
spec.symbol = "Vdd"
spec.description = "Soc Core Power Supply"
spec.min = "1.00.V - 50.mV"
spec.max = 1.05
spec.unit = "V"
spec.audience = :external
spec :soc_vdd, :dc do
symbol "Vdd"
description "Soc Core Power Supply"
min "1.00.V - 50.mV"
max 1.05
unit "V"
audience :external
While the user can be free to add various attributes over time, they must assign a valid name and have valid limits to complete instantiation. A valid name must not start with letters and cannot contain special characters forbidden by Ruby. Dashes and underscores are allowed but the preferred method is to make spec name Symbols in the snake-case format. Limits can be of type Numeric or String so the API is flexible enough to handle specs with a formula as the limit. Valid limits are defined as:
If Min && Max: Min < Max if limit is Numeric.
If Target, Min < Target < Max
A target can be thought of as an unofficial typical value. Targets are typically used when specs are exported for use in data analysis and also help understand if a min anx max limit are not symetrical.
During spec limit assignment the user just can either input a numeric value, a symbol or a string.
[1] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).min
=> #<struct Origen::Specs::Spec::Limit exp=" +", maturity=nil, value=2.7e-10>
[2] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).min.exp
=> " +"
[3] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).min.value
=> 2.7e-10
The Spec model will save the original user input as an expression and will attempt to evaluate the string to a numeric value or lookup the symbol within the Parameters and Specs database. Currently only the numeric and string expressions are working.
Notice how the mode attribute is never specified. This is because the Spec API will always use the mode of the current object as a default. If no mode is specified (nil) the user intends for the Spec to be available to all modes of the defining object. The user, of course, can specify a mode as shown below. The Spec API will only return specs that match that specified mode instead of returning globally defined specs.
spec :soc_vdd, :dc, :mymode do
symbol "Vdd"
description "Soc Core Power Supply"
min "1.00.V - 50.mV"
max 1.05
unit "V"
audience :external
Another thing to note about modes is that specs defined with no mode will be catalogued as :global if the owning object is Origen.top_level and :local for any other owning IP. This allows certain specs to be used across the Origen ecosystem and other local specs to be contained inside the owning IP.
The user can search for specs using filters for any of the following:
- Name
- Mode
- Type
- Sub-Type
If any of the options are nil it will not filter by that option when interrogating the spec database. The API is:
specs(:myspecname, options)
In the example above a symbol is passed for the spec name but all four filter options can be a String, Number or a Regexp. If an object defined three specs named :soc_vdd, :io_vdd, :pll_vdd the following call would occur.
specs(/vdd/,verbose: true)
| IP: soc |
| Name | Symbol | Mode | Type | Parameter | Min | Max | Unit | Audience |
| soc_vdd | Vdd | :global | dc | Soc Core Power Supply | 0.95 | 1.05 | V | external |
| io_vdd | OVdd | :global | dc | Soc IO Power Supply | 1.45 | 1.55 | V | external |
| pll_vdd | AVdd | :global | dc | Soc PLL Power Supply | 1.15 | 1.25 | V | external |
If the ‘verbose’ argument is not included, only an array of spec objects is returned. If only a single spec is found a Spec object is returned instead of an array of a single spec. The console printing method only displays attributes which have content for at least one of the specs found. It also auto-adjusts the attribute column padding so no space is wasted.
Specs can be defined globally or within nested sub_blocks or controllers. A spec is defined in the context of a mode, even if it only has a single mode. A mode is defined as a known device state with a unique name or id. An simple example could be a basic PORESET that defines the clocking and register space state after turning a chip on. The spec API does not require a mode to be defined but it will assign some reserved modes if none is provided.
If the owner of the block is equal to Origen.top_level a mode named :global is assigned, otherwise a mode named :local is assigned. Specs with a local mode are not accessible outside the model in which they are defined. A spec with a global mode is accessible everywhere but will be overwritten is defined both globally and locally. Here is an example where a spec is defined within three modes.
class SoC_With_Specs
include Origen::TopLevel
def initialize
sub_block :ip_with_specs, class_name: "IP_With_Specs", base_address: 0x1000_0000
add_mode :default
add_mode :low_power
add_mode :high_performance
modes.each do |mode|
case mode
when :default
vdd_nom = 1.0.V
when :low_power
vdd_nom = 0.95.V
when :high_performance
vdd_nom = 1.05.V
spec :soc_vdd, :dc, mode do
symbol "Vdd"
description "Soc Core Power Supply"
min "#{vdd_nom} - 50.mV"
max "#{vdd_nom} + 50.mV"
audience :external
Notice below how both the limit expression and value get changed based on the mode selection of the owning IP.
[8] pry()> @dut.mode
=> high_performance
[9] pry()> @dut.specs(:soc_vdd).min.exp
=> "1.05 - 50.mV"
[10] pry()> @dut.specs(:soc_vdd).min.value
=> 1.0
[11] pry()> @dut.mode = :low_power
=> :low_power
[12] pry()> @dut.specs(:soc_vdd).min.value
=> 0.9
[13] pry()> @dut.specs(:soc_vdd).min.exp
=> "0.95 - 50.mV"
Specs have an audience attribute that can be set to :internal or :external. They also have a read-only attribute called ‘limit_type’ which is either :single_sided or :double_sided. Here are some attribute access examples:
[7] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).mode
=> :new_mode_with_altered_specs
[8] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).limit_type
=> :double_sided
[10] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).notes = "my note"
=> "my note"
[11] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).notes
=> "my note"
[12] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).symbol # Defaults to name if no value supplied
=> :ip_setup_time
[13] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).testable
=> true
[14] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).audience
=> :internal
[15] pry()> @ip.specs(:ip_setup_time).description
=> "IP Setup Time with Double-Sided Limits"
The Origen::Specs::Spec class is available to all models and as such has a method ot find all specs that exist in the model itself or any child models. This method is useful when trying to export the spec information of a model to other API.
[2] pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::OrigenSpecsModule>)> @dut.find_specs.size
=> 8