The Fuses or e-Fuses model here is bare-bones, requiring few arguments to instantiate a fuse field:
- Name
- Start Address
- Size
Any other options passed during instantiation will be modeled as attributes of the fuse field.
idcode_attrs = {
customer_visible: true,
owner: 'Ginty',
default_value: 0x0
serial_id_attrs = {
customer_visible: false,
owner: 'Seth',
default_value: 0x0
$dut.fuse_field(:idcode, 0xDEADBEEF, 128, idcode_attrs)
$dut.fuse_field(:serial_id, 0xF5F5F5F5, 64, serial_id_attrs)
Accessing fuses behaves similarly to other Origen models, returning an array of fuse field names when calledwithout an argument.
$dut.fuses # => [:idcode, :serial_id]
Given the potentially large number of fuses on SoCs, one may search for fuse fields using a regular expression. This can be handy when wanting to iterate around a desired collection of fuse fields, such as memory repair fuses.
$dut.fuses(/code/) # => Array of size one containing the fuse field :idcode
Attributes are accessed as any other model
$dut.fuses(:idcode).customer_visible # => true
$dut.fuses(:idcode).owner # => 'Ginty'
Fuses can be modeled within any class that includes Origen::SubBlocks, as is often the case, fuses are owned by individual IP or the top level device.
Currently there are no rich methods for interacting with the fuse fields, ala Origen::Registers, so please feel free to contibute.