Ruby Extensions
Ruby allows for any object, including all of its core classes, to be extended with new or modified functionality and such modifications are typically known as core extensions.
Origen adds a number of methods to Ruby to make it more useful for use in Origen applications and more generally within the semiconductor domain.
For a complete list of the available extensions go to the Origen API, click on Class List in the top-right, and then all of the classes listed under the Top Level Namespace contain extension. For example see the extensions added to the String class.
Here now is a summary of some of the most useful helpers that are available:
When engineering semiconductor devices we often have to deal with very large or very small numbers, Ruby’s numeric classes have been extended to support most common units and to make writing spec limits more descriptive, here are some examples:
50 # => 50
50.V # => 50
50.mV # => 50E-03
50.uA # => 50E-06
50.nS # => 50E-09
50.pA # => 50E-12
50.kHz # => 50,000
50.MHz # => 50,000,000
50.GHz # => 50,000,000,000
Similar to the unit helpers, we have provided a way to convert the number back to a string with units for
display purposes. All base units supported by the unit helpers are available as native functions. For
any other arbitrary units, the as_units(
50.as_V # => '50.0V'
50000.as_Hz # => '50.0kHz'
5e-5.as_A # => '50.0uA'
5e-7.as_units('F') # => '500.0nF'
Displaying numbers in hex or binary format is very common, some helpers exist for that:
100.to_hex # => "0x64"
100.to_bin # => "0b1100100"
100.to_hex.to_dec # => 100
100.to_bin.to_dec # => 100
Many data sources imported by Origen use Verilog numbers represented as Strings, to represent things such as memory addresses, bit size, etc. that need to be modeled as numbers.
"b10100110".to_dec # => 166
"o246".to_dec # => 166
"d166".to_dec # => 166
"hA6".to_dec # => 166
"8'b10100110".to_dec # => 166
"8'o246".to_dec # => 166
"8'd166".to_dec # => 166
"8'hA6".to_dec # => 166
"8'o246".is_verilog_number? # => true
"8'd166".is_verilog_number? # => true
"8'hA6".is_verilog_number? # => true
Integer Width
Origen adds an attribute to the Integer
class: width
. This width can be
used throughout for various conversion or logical operators which require a
known width of the input. By default, this is 32-bits, but can be adjusted
per Origen thread using Integer.width=
and can always be retrieved from Integer.width
Twos Complement
instances can be converted to their twos-complement representations:
#=> 11111111111111111111111111111111
#=> 11111111111111111111111111111110
The default width is the value of Integer.width
. Changes there will be reflected
here as well. Alternatively, the width parameter can be provided directly:
#=> 11111111
#=> 1111111111111110
Ruby does not natively support a Verilog style part select to allow the numeric value of a subset
of bits to be extracted.
Unfortunately the Ruby parser will
never consider 0x1234[7:0]
to be valid due to Ruby’s use of a colon to pre-fix
symbol names.
However with a little compromise we can get very close:
number = 0x1234
number[3..0] # => 0x4
number[7..0] # => 0x34
number[15..8] # => 0x12
All objects within Origen have a try
method to allow application developers to preferentially
select the source of a given attribute. The first value provided by the first option to return a value
will be returned, if none return a value then nil will be returned:
# Take the value assigned to db_version if present, if not fall back to version
$dut.try(:db_version, :version) # => 5
$dut.try(:missing_method_x, :missing_method_y) # => nil
Hashes can be transformed to a version which will accept either string or symbol key references:
# A standard hash
my_hash = {:one => 1, "two" => 2}
my_hash[:one] # => 1
my_hash["one"] # => nil
my_hash[:two] # => nil
my_hash["two"] # => 2
# A hash with indifferent access
my_hash = my_hash.with_indifferent_access
my_hash[:one] # => 1
my_hash["one"] # => 1
my_hash[:two] # => 2
my_hash["two"] # => 2
Over time Origen will transition to returning this kind of hash to application-facing methods by default, but for now you can easily apply the transform on the application side if you want to use this feature.