Compiler (Views)
Using Sub-Templates
Sub-templates can be used to make parameterizable snippets that can then be re-used throughout your main templates.
A sub-template is like a regular template with the following differences:
- Its name must begin with an underscore
- It has access to an
hash which contains any parameters passed in by the parent template
The underscore is used in the name to identify the file as a sub-template to Origen and this will prevent it from trying to compile the file standalone when it is working through a directory.
Here is an example sub-template in file app/templates/_sub_template.txt.erb
This is a sub-template.
% options[:x].times do
You will see this X times
% end
The value of Y is: <%= options[:y] %>
Sub-templates are called from a top-level template by using the render
method, here is an example top-level template that calls this sub-template, this file
is app/templates/example.txt.erb
This is a top-level template
<%= render 'sub_template', x: 3, y: 10 %>
This would compile to:
This is a top-level template
This is a sub-template.
You will see this X times
You will see this X times
You will see this X times
The value of Y is: 10
can also be used as an alias for render
, this may
be more intuitive if the sub-template originates from a plugin for example.
Origen is fairly flexible when it comes to working out the path to a sub-template
from a render
method call.
Generally the following rules apply:
- The leading underscore does not need to be added
- The .erb does not need to be added
- The filetype extension does not need to be added if it is the same as the calling template’s extension
- Paths can be either:
- Relative to the calling template
- Relative to
- Absolute
Paths can also be a reference to a plugin’s shared directory, see here for details - Sharing Templates
A sub-template can define parameter defaults similar to a regular Ruby method, here is the above example re-written to add default values that will be used if the parent template does not specify one of both of the options:
% # Default option values...
% options = {
% x: 5,
% y: 20,
% }.merge(options)
This is a sub-template.
% options[:x].times do
You will see this X times
% end
The value of Y is: <%= options[:y] %>
Note: There are reserved options keys that should not be altered when passing options to a sub-template, otherwise the compiler will not function correctly.
[:scope, :file, :top_level_file]
The render
method also supports a block form which can be used
to surround content from the parent template with header and footer content
from the sub-template.
Define where the parent content should go using the yield
within the sub-template:
This is some header content from the sub-template.
<%= yield %>
This is some footer content from the sub-template.
Call in a parent template like this:
% render "sub_template" do
This is some content from the parent template.
% end
This will compile to:
This is some header content from the sub-template.
This is some content from the parent template.
This is some footer content from the sub-template.
Options can be passed to the block form as you would expect:
% render "sub_template", x: 5 do
Sub-templates can themselves render other sub-templates. There is no limit on the depth of template nesting and this can be used to build complex output from layers of building blocks.
Render will accept an :indent
option to indent the compiled text
by the given number of spaces:
<%= render 'sub_template' %>
<%= render 'sub_template', indent: 2 %>
<%= render 'sub_template', indent: 4 %>
This would produce:
Some lines from
the sub template
Some lines from
the sub template
Some lines from
the sub template
Sub-templates are much slower to process than content generated from a helper. Normally this is not a problem but if for example a sub-template is rendered 1000 times within a template file then you might be waiting quite some time for it to process.
Normally this type of situation would occur when the sub-template is only generating a single line and replacing it with a helper would immediately solve the performance problem.
As a general rule of thumb if you need to generate one or two lines of content then use a helper, otherwise use a sub-template.
A sub-template is always evaluated with a fresh target load which means that state cannot be carried forward from the parent template via the target models.
Generally this makes for more predictable behavior and ensures that customization of the sub-template output can only be done via option arguments.
Over time use of the model state to customize the sub-template output can result in compile order dependencies starting to creep in, and potentially this can be very dangerous when it comes to compiling production critical output like test program sheets.
However in cases where rendering performance is an issue and the implications of preserving model state into the sub-template are understood, the target refresh can be inhibited by using the following option:
<%= render 'sub_template', preserve_target: true %>