## Thought it looks better without the breadcrumbs bar, and kinda redunant since we have the sidebar nav
Origen v2

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Documenting The Core

Documentation Generation Architecture

When a origen web is run from Origen, the CLI will parse and kick off the Python environment - which will then pick up the command and route it appropriately. That routing will end up in the origen.web.run_cmd() function, which handles all web-oriented commands. From there, sphinx-build (or whatever else) is kicked off in the context of the user’s Origen application.

The brunt of the web-drivers will be in the origen.web module, including the origen sphinx extension and, inside of that, the templates, CSS, Javascript, etc. for the Origen theme.

Other extensions maintained by the Origen core team but not necessarily tied to Origen, such as Shorthand and RustDoc, are also present within the origen.web module’s namespace.