## Thought it looks better without the breadcrumbs bar, and kinda redunant since we have the sidebar nav
Origen v2

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Building Your Webpages

This section will discuss the origen web command in more detail and cover some of the available options for origen web build.

At the very beginning, we introduced the build command: origen web build --view as a means to generate and view your project’s documentation. Now that we’ve covered more of what Origen and Sphinx have to offer, we can revisit this command and take a closer look at some of its options.

Origen Web

The build command is actually a subcommand in the larger origen web command.

Running origen web --help will show you what can be done with the Sphinx app from the CLI:

Create, Build, and View Web Documentation

    origen.exe web [FLAGS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help    Prints help information
    -v            Terminal verbosity level e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv

    build    Builds the web documentation [aliases: b, compile, html]
    clean    Cleans the output directory and all cached files
    help     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    view     Launches your web browser to view previously built documentation [aliases: v]


You should now be familiar with the build command’s basic usage, but what about some of the other options?

Running build with --help gives us the following options:

Builds the web documentation

    origen.exe web build [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --as-release               Build webpages with release checks
        --clean                    Clean up directories from previous builds and force a rebuild
    -h, --help                     Prints help information
        --no-api                   Skip building the API
    -r, --release                  Release (deploy) the resulting web pages
        --release-with-warnings    Release webpages even if warnings persists
    -V, --version                  Prints version information
    -v                             Terminal verbosity level e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv
        --view                     Launch your web browser after the build

    -a, --archive <archive>            Archive the resulting web pages after building
        --sphinx-args <sphinx-args>    Additional arguments to pass to the 'sphinx-build' command
                                         Argument will passed as a single string and appended to the build command
                                         E.g.: 'origen web build --sphinx-args "-q -D my_config_define=1"'
                                            -> 'sphinx-build <source_dir> <output_dir> -q -D my_config_define=1'

--no-api was mentioned when discussing API generation but to recap: this option will bypass generating any API contents. Existing contents will persist though, so this option can be used without any ill-effects provided the API source hasn’t changed. However, this also means that continuously running with --no-api during development could result in stale API documentation.

Viewing And Cleaning

Sphinx is makefile-like, in that it will only recompile changed files, leading to faster build times. A side-effect of this, however, is that the web browser may still be launched, even on a failing build, giving the illusion that the build succeeded.

An easy way to get around the above is just to wipe out the results and rebuild from scratch. The origen web clean command will do just that. Running this command will remove any webpages from a previous build, forcing a full recompilation. It will also run clean on any extensions which supports cleaning.

The webpages can also be built with a clean Sphinx app using origen web build --clean. This is the same as running:

origen web clean
origen web build

Likewise, the commands:

origen web clean
origen web build
origen web view

Can all be mashed into the same command as origen web build --clean --view


When the documentation is complete, it can be released by using the -r, or --release switch. The release procedure and location is dependent on options in the Origen application.

When building your docs, you may see various warnings pop up. In general, it is not good practice to leave build warnings hanging around for released content. Releasing will interpret all warnings as errors and will fail to release the docs, even if the build previously succeeded without the --release switch. However, this can be overridden by also using the release-with-warnings switch.

Releasing will also add other, long-running checks into the mix - such as checking for the validity of external links, which can take several minutes to complete for large projects. These checks can be run during a development build by applying the switch --as-release to the build command.


In conjunction with, or as an alternative to, releasing your docs, you can choose to archive them instead, the intent being to provide a snapshot of the documentation corresponding to a particular Origen application version.

Archiving is very similar to releasing except that the resulting build is released as a “sub-site*, meaning that the latest content, as well as other archives are unchanged and the resulting build is instead placed somewhere within the currently released site.

For example, using the archive <archive_id> option during origen web build will place the built docs at <release_path>/archive/<app name>/<archive_id> but keep the remaining <release_path> unaffected.


  • origen web build is actually a subcommand of the larger origen web command.

  • Cleaning, building, and viewing your webpages can all be streamlined with the single command origen web build --clean --view.

  • In some circumstances, the webpages can still be viewed even on a failing build.

  • Once the docs are complete, the -r, or --release, switch can be used to release the documentation.

  • Similarly, the --archive <archive_id> switch can be used to instead release a snapshot of the current documentation with a particular archive id without affecting the latest or other archives.