## Thought it looks better without the breadcrumbs bar, and kinda redunant since we have the sidebar nav
Origen v2

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Core Concepts


“Documenting” can apply to several aspects of Origen. You could document:

  • Patterns

  • Programs

  • Flows

  • Applications

In this section, we’ll talk about documenting the applications themselves. See the pattern API and the program API topics for documenting pattern and program sources, respectively.

Any application created with origen new will already have the pieces in place to generate a static website, which itself allows for self-contained webpages which can easily be served by a web server or packaged up and distributed without introducing any dependencies on the end users.

Your Origen application documentation engine features:

Basic Build Command

The entry point into Origen’s doc generation is the origen web command. Take a moment to run the following in your workspace to get an idea of the initial state of your application’s docs:

origen web build --view

This command will build the webpages, placing them in your web output directory and launch your system’s web browser to view the resulting contents. This will yield webpages specific to your application which have the same look and feel as the Origen documentation.

See the origen web section or run origen web -h from your terminal for more details.