## Thought it looks better without the breadcrumbs bar, and kinda redunant since we have the sidebar nav
Origen v2

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origen.web.shorthand.add_defs(defs, *, namespace=None)

Dynamically adds namespaced definitions and generates the appropriate output files.

Defintions added here must be namespaced. Adding to the project definitions is not supported.

origen.web.shorthand.anchor_to(target, txt)

Although in this phase we could generate RST, we don’t actually know the context in which this method is used. Mostly likely, this will actually be invoked from an .. raw block or the like. To skip over needing the context, or trying to figure out what the ‘typical’ usage should be, we’re just going to jump straight to HTML. We’ll cache the targets and ensure they’re valid during the consistency check phase.

origen.web.shorthand.check_consistency(app, env)

Targets here bypass Sphinx’s ref/doc/whatever checkers and could potentially allow for bad targets to make its way into the resulting pages. Other methods will note these potential targets and they’ll be checked here after all the documents have been read.

Only ‘refs’, ‘docs’, or ‘statics’ should make there way here - unless others are added in the future.

Checks if the given link points to somewhere

origen.web.shorthand.href_to(target, *, docname=None)

Generates an href for the target. The exact nature is determined by the HREF type.

  • ‘ref’ - target is ‘cleaned’. E.g: ‘dir/my_label:header’ -> ‘<relative_path>/my_label#header’

  • ‘doc/static’ - target is re-targetted as a relative path from the callin document.

  • ‘absolute_links’ - just returns the target

Inserts a shorthand-link-to role with the given target and txt


Callback for Sphinx to setup the extension.
