## Thought it looks better without the breadcrumbs bar, and kinda redunant since we have the sidebar nav
Origen v2

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The Origen Sphinx Extension

Your Sphinx App

Writing docs for your Origen application amounts to writing docs as you would for any other Sphinx app.

You may or may not have experience using Sphinx, but if you’re an experienced or intermediate Sphinx user, you could skip to the origen sphinx extension which covers the heart of the Origen-Sphinx connection. Although this section covers some Origen-specifics, the changes described here will be apparent to any seasoned Sphinx users.

From the previous section:

At its heart, your Origen application's documentation 'engine' is just a Sphinx app with a custom extension thrown in.

Core Concepts

Writing docs for your Origen application amounts to writing docs like you would any other Sphinx app.

Core Concepts

This first point may sound a bit ominous and make you skeptical the second point. This page aims to put that to rest while delegating most of the actual sphinx usage back to the Sphinx docs themselves to cover items that are best learned from the source, rather than paraphrased here.

Origen’s Sphinx App

Origen applications include a pre-configured setup for Sphinx. Before delving into the Sphinx docs though, its important to know what customizations Origen has made, placing your pre-configured Sphinx app commensurate with an app from Sphinx’s quickstart, which the latter’s documentation will assume.

Sphinx And The Origen CLI

It is important to note that Sphinx has its own command-line interface. The origen web command wraps Sphinx’s commands and invokes them such that Origen’s requirements are met. That’s really all that needs to be known for now: the Origen CLI automates calls to the Sphinx CLI.

For the curious, see the Sphinx CLI for details on Sphinx’s commands.

Sphinx Quickstart

Sphinx’s CLI includes a quickstart command which will build some default files for you. When you ran origen new, some of the files built mimic those from Sphinx’s quickstart. One key difference is where those files are built.

Origen places the Sphinx app a bit further removed than where quickstart would: in web/source, as opposed to just ./source. Navigating to web/source though, you’ll see the same files sphinx-quickstart would have given you: most notably, conf.py and index.rst. These are the same files which are referenced frequently in Sphinx’s docs. Even though origen new fills in some content for you, these still function as Sphinx describes them and all the same options remain available.

To quickly define these files:

  • conf.py is the configuration file for your Sphinx app and will include things like extensions, extension setup, custom functions, etc. See the sphinx topic for more information.

  • index.rst is the default homepage for the resulting website and is also the page launched when the --view switch is used with origen web build.

A key addition to note is the automatic inclusion of the origen sphinx extension as the first (topmost) extension in conf.py. This extension will be covered in much more detail later, but just know for now that it is responsible for all of the Origen specifics which separate a standard Sphinx app from one used in an Origen application.

Other extensions, such as autoapi and autodoc are also included, but those are more for convenience. Notes on these will also be covered later.

Adding Content

Understanding now that your Origen application’s documentation is really just a pre-configured Sphinx app with the origen sphinx extension already included, you can begin adding content. Origen includes some additions here but it also does not get in the way of Sphinx’s regular flow.

Sphinx content primarily uses restructured text (RST), which serves both to link documents together and format the actual content. Tutorials on restructured text are out of scope here, as Sphinx and the RST official website are abound with primers, tutorials, and more in-depth documentation that will cover more ground than we ever could.

To restate once again, even though we have a customized Sphinx app, all the content there is applicable here. That said, your Sphinx app has some bonus items thrown in by default…


Adjacent to restructured text is another popular markup language: markdown. Depending on your background, or how involved you are in blogs and social media websites (Markdown is popular in those spaces), you may already have experience using Markdown but none using RST and wish to continue using Markdown to write content. A Sphinx extension, recommonmark is available to build Markdown content for Sphinx apps and Origen comes with this already installed and configured. The origen sphinx extension will configure your Markdown to accept embedded RST, allowing you to place RST directives Sphinx uses inside your Markdown documents as well.

See the recommonmark docs for more information.


You may have already come across templating in your Sphinx reading. In case you haven’t, templates allow for content to be dynamically resolved in your documentation. Jinja, Sphinx’s templating language of choice, comes already installed as well. Like RST, Markdown, and Sphinx in general, tutorials on Jinja will not be covered here, but head over to the Jinja documentation to get started.


As has been alluded to several times, Sphinx has the concept of extensions, which are additional libraries that are plugged into Sphinx to give increased functionality, additional features, or offer more customization. We’ve brought up the origen sphinx extension a few times, and its definition is coming up shortly but we’ve also described the recommonmark extension extension, which is brought in and configured automatically.

Section Labels

Your Sphinx app will automatically include and enable Sphinx’s autosectionlabel extension, which creates sphinx references for each section within your documentation. These references can then be used as normal Sphinx app and/or integrated with Shorthand.

API generation can induce conflicts in the section labeling. The autosectionlabel extension has a Sphinx configuration variable to append the full file path to the section, resolving these conflicts. The variable, autosectionlabel_prefix_document, is enabled by default. This setup can be altered or removed entirely in your sphinx app’s conf.py.

Automatic API Generation

Your Sphinx app includes two more extensions: AutoAPI, which will cycle through your top-level module searching for Python objects and docstrings - building RST files out of them, and autodoc which will parse the resulting RST files from AutoAPI into viewable content.

When your Origen application is built, AutoAPI will be automatically added as an extension, with your application’s namespace as a target. This setup, though automatic, is done by during Origen application creation and can be easily customized, or removed entirely, from your conf.py. See the usage section present in its documentation for more on AutoAPI.

Docstring Formatting

Your Sphinx app also comes with napoleon already enabled, which allows you write docstrings according to either the Numpy Docstring Spec or Google Docstring Spec. Napoleon can be further configured, or removed entirely, in your conf.py.


Extensions are geared towards adding functionality to your Sphinx app and to give you better tools with which to write content. However, very little has been said about what gives your generated webpages their look, style, or flair. For this, Sphinx uses themes and, like so many other aspects, Origen has a hook for that.

Before jumping into Origen’s theme, take a moment to glance through some of Sphinx’s built-in themes. Although we’ve already chosen one for you, the examples there should show you exactly what is meant by the look and feel of your webpages. You can also view the vast amount of third-party themes Sphinx has available.


  • Your Sphinx app in your Origen application is a standard Sphinx app with some setup already done for you.

  • Most notably, the inclusion of the origen sphinx extension.

  • However, writing docs for your Sphinx app is no different than writing docs for any other Sphinx app.

  • Extensions allow for other libraries to plug into Sphinx and offer additional features.

  • Some other extensions included automatically are recommonmark, AutoAPI, and Autodoc.

  • Sphinx also has themes, which focus on the look and feel of your website.

Reference Material

The following reference material will help you understand Sphinx, RST, extensions and other material pertinent to writing content for your project.