Documentation Generation Architecture ===================================== When a |web_cmd| is run from Origen, the :link-to:`CLI ` will parse and kick off the Python environment - which will then pick up the command and route it appropriately. That routing will end up in the :func:`origen.web.run_cmd` function, which handles all web-oriented commands. From there, ``sphinx-build`` (or whatever else) is kicked off in the context of the user's Origen application. The brunt of the web-drivers will be in the :mod:`origen.web` module, including the :mod:`origen sphinx extension ` and, inside of that, the templates, CSS, Javascript, etc. for the ``Origen theme``. Other extensions maintained by the |core_team| but not necessarily tied to Origen, such as |documenting:shorthand| and |documenting:rustdoc|, are also present within the ``origen.web`` module's namespace.