## Thought it looks better without the breadcrumbs bar, and kinda redunant since we have the sidebar nav
Origen v2

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Architecture Overview

Development Environment Setup

These instructions are for how to setup an environment for development of Origen, they should not be followed by anyone who only wants to use Origen - if that’s you, then follow the user installation guide instead.

1st Time Development Environment Setup

  1. Install Rust

  2. Enable Rust nightly version (this must be done for every o2 workspace):

    rustup install nightly or rustup default nightly (this will make rust nightly the default version being run)
    cd path/to/o2
    rustup override set nightly
  3. By this point make sure your $PATH contains the following to make the cargo command available:

    export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
  4. Make sure you have Python >= 3.6 available via either the python or python3 commands,

    $ python3 --version
    Python 3.6.9

    If you need to install a suitable Python version, here is one of many available guides on it: https://realpython.com/installing-python/

  5. Install the following Python packages which are required to build Origen:

    pip3 install poetry
    pip3 install maturin
    pip3 install twine
    pip3 install pyfs
    pip3 install yapf
    pip3 install -U keyrings.alt
  6. Add this dir to your $PATH, ahead of any other dir that provides an origen command so that you will be using the version of Origen Command Line Interface (CLI) built from this workspace:

    export PATH="</path/to/your>/o2/rust/origen/target/debug:$PATH"
  7. Build the CLI:

    cd o2/rust/origen
    cargo build --workspace --bins
  8. Verify that you now have the origen command available:

    $ origen -v
    Origen: 2.0.0.dev4
  9. Missing Ubuntu Packages:

    On Ubuntu, the following packages may need to be installed if you get errors:

    sudo apt install libssl-dev
    sudo apt install pkg-config
    sudo apt install python3-distutils
    sudo apt install python3-venv

1st Time Python App Setup

Whenever a new workspace is created for an Origen Python application its local environment needs to be setup and the test application embedded within the Origen 2 environment is no exception. This can be done simply by executing the origen env setup command within the application directory:

cd o2/test_apps/python_app
origen env setup

Regular Workflow

To build Origen core and its Python bindings and plug it into the example application (the most common build during development), simply run:

origen build

To re-build the CLI run:

origen build --cli

To build either with release optimizations add the --release switch:

origen build --release
origen build --cli --release

To use a local version of Origen within an application run the following commands from within the application’s workspace:

origen env setup --origen path/to/your/o2
origen build

To restore the application to using a released Origen package:

origen env setup