Test Program Flow Documentation

This helper will build a web page to document a test program flow the has been created with Origen.

Here is an example.

Multiple flows can be supplied and an index page like this is generated to help locate the documentation for a given flow.

How To Use

Call the helper from an after_web_site_compile callback handler in your application’s config/application.rb like this:

def after_web_site_compile(options)
  # First build the program to create a flow model
  Origen.app.runner.launch action: :program, files: "program/probe1.rb"
  # Then the documentation for it
  OrigenDocHelpers.generate_flow_docs layout: "#{Origen.root}/templates/web/layouts/_basic.html.erb", tab: :flows  do |d|
    d.page flow: :probe1,
           name: "Probe 1 Flow",
           target: "default.rb"

Pages for multiple flows can be created like this:

def after_web_site_compile(options)
  # First build the program to create a flow model
  Origen.app.runner.launch action: :program, files: "program/production.list"
  # Then the documentation for it
  OrigenDocHelpers.generate_flow_docs layout: "#{Origen.root}/templates/web/layouts/_basic.html.erb", tab: :flows  do |d|
    d.page flow: :probe1,
           name: "Probe 1 Flow",
           target: "default.rb"
    d.page flow: :probe2,
           name: "Probe 2 Flow",
           target: "default.rb"
    d.page flow: :ft,
           name: "Final Test Flow",
           target: "default.rb"

Multiple flows can be included on the one page like this:

def after_web_site_compile(options)
  # First build the program to create a flow model
  Origen.app.runner.launch action: :program, files: "program/production.list"
  # Then the documentation for it
  OrigenDocHelpers.generate_flow_docs layout: "#{Origen.root}/templates/web/layouts/_basic.html.erb", tab: :flows  do |d|
    d.page flows: [:probe1_start, :probe1_middle, :probe1_end],
           name: "Probe 1 Flow",
           target: "default.rb"

Or finally the same flow can be documented as generated for different targets:

def after_web_site_compile(options)
  # First build the program to create a flow model
  Origen.target.loop targets: ["device_a", "device_b"] do
    Origen.app.runner.launch action: :program, files: "program/production.list"
  # Then the documentation for it
  OrigenDocHelpers.generate_flow_docs layout: "#{Origen.root}/templates/web/layouts/_basic.html.erb", tab: :flows  do |d|
    ["device_a", "device_b"].each do |target|
      d.page flows: [:probe1_start, :probe1_middle, :probe1_end],
             name: "Probe 1 Flow",
             target: target



  • :layout - Required, supply a full path to your application’s layout file
  • Any other options will be passed to your layout file unmodified, e.g. to set the tab in the generated pages in the above example


  • :flow(s) - Required, the ID of the flow or flows to run, this is the ID that would be referenced when running origen testers:run FLOW_ID
  • :name - Required, the name of the given flow
  • :target - Required, the name of the target that has been used to generate the program model
  • :group - Optional, a heading to group similar flows under on the index page, e.g. “Production”, “In Development”
  • :context - Optional, a hash of flow runtime conditions, similar to that accepted by origen testers:run, e.g. { job: "P1" }. This will determine what tests are included in the documentation.

Website Integration

The flows index page will be generated at path /flows within your application, and it is common to create a “Flows(s)” tab in your website’s navigation bar to link to this.

If your application only has one flow, then the navbar link should be setup to point directly to that flows’s page.

The location of the pages for the individual flows are based on the flow name and will be unique to each application, you can find them initially via the index page.
