Tag: v0.8.6

Branch: ‘master’
by Daniel Hadad on 29-Jun-2021 06:37AM

Bugfix for app dir structure for flow and model page generation.

Tag: v0.8.5

Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Hume on 09-Jun-2021 10:18AM

Fix for Issue #21. Update to allow for unique model documentation if multiple targets use the same top-level model. This is enabled by setting the option :target_as_id to true in the generate_model_docs call.

Tag: v0.8.4

Branch: ‘master’
by Daniel Hadad on 11-May-2021 08:52AM

Fix for Issue #19: to support new Origen app dir structure.

Tag: v0.8.3

Branch: ‘master’
by Paul DeRouen on 21-Jan-2021 14:36PM

relative_path_to bug fix for Windows corner case bug

Tag: v0.8.2

Branch: ‘master’
by Daniel Hadad on 02-Aug-2019 09:24AM

Updated template web links for origen-sdk.org to use HTTPS protocol.

Tag: v0.8.1

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 24-Jul-2019 03:22AM

Patch to add compatibility with ATP gem moved inside OrigenTesters

Tag: v0.8.0

Branch: ‘master’
by nxa18793 on 13-Dec-2018 13:20PM

Updated display for msb0 registers

Tag: v0.7.2

Branch: ‘master’
by nxa18793 on 08-Nov-2018 10:51AM

Bug fix for msb0 register display

Tag: v0.7.1

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 16-Aug-2018 11:50AM

Bug fixes to the new Guides Index API

Tag: v0.7.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 13-Aug-2018 15:17PM

Added Guide Index helper API

Tag: v0.6.2

Branch: ‘master’
by Daniel Hadad on 18-May-2018 13:40PM

Updated current value text to indicate it’s a hex value for clarity.

Tag: v0.6.1

Branch: ‘master’
by Daniel Hadad on 16-May-2018 12:29PM

Added ability to use current_value instead of reset_value when rendering a register display. Based on PR6 and PR7 developed by welguisz.

Tag: v0.6.0

Branch: ‘master’
by nxa18793 on 28-Mar-2018 09:10AM

Search box on model pages is now optional

Tag: v0.5.2

Branch: ‘master’
by Lajaunie Ronald-B01784 on 15-Nov-2017 09:13AM
  • Make register.html output more readable for long bit names (PR #4)

Tag: v0.5.1

Branch: ‘master’
by nxa18793 on 07-Nov-2017 09:26AM

fix bit alignment bug

Tag: v0.5.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 16-Jun-2017 07:42AM

Changed to MIT license

Tag: v0.4.4

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 19-Sep-2016 10:50AM

Add pattern name to the flow datalog view

Tag: v0.4.3

Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 31-Aug-2016 11:23AM

Add option to parameterize the split character that determines the location of files specified by the sub_hash key of the index list.

By default, the sub_hash key will be split by the ‘_’ character to find the _directory_/_file_ but this can be overridden by supplying the :path_separator option. For example, using path_separator: '__' (double underscore) with the index used below would result in the the document with title “Second Item” living now at _documents_root_/topic1/second_item.md.erb.

index = {}
index["Topic 1"] = {
  topic1__first_item: "First Item",
  topic1__second_item: "Second Item",

Tag: v0.4.2

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 23-Jun-2016 08:25AM

Bumped min Origen dependency to one that includes the register to_json method

Tag: v0.4.1

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 09-Jun-2016 21:33PM

The model page generator now outputs .json data files for the model

Tag: v0.4.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 08-Apr-2016 08:57AM

Added flow and model full page generators. Retired old flow doc generator based on having a documentation interface.

Tag: v0.3.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 25-Feb-2016 09:02AM

Added support for generating test flow documentation based on a ATP flow model from the latest version of OrigenTesters.

Tag: v0.2.1

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 23-Sep-2015 04:16AM

Added :prompt option to the searchable docs helper

Tag: v0.2.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 23-Jul-2015 22:01PM

Added Disqus comments helper, see http://origen-sdk.org/doc_helpers/examples/disqus/

Tag: v0.1.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 26-Jun-2015 10:31AM

Initial public release