Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 04-Mar-2017 20:55PM
Coverage increase and other cleanup
Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Nappi on 21-Oct-2016 16:21PM
Added register name to vector comments
Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 09-Sep-2016 17:38PM
Split dev ruby out into own separate dev module.
Fix broken link on github README
Lint fixes
Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 09-Sep-2016 16:19PM
Updated to lastest ‘Origen way’ plugin structure for more robust importing.
Added ‘origen examples’ and ‘origen specs’
Updated web documentation
Add coverage badges (Travis-CI, Coveralls, CodeClimate, and Inch-CI)
Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 09-Sep-2016 16:04PM
Fix Travic-ci error (remove freescale gem server requirement)
Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 09-Sep-2016 15:56PM
Trying to get all the badges working before production release.
Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 09-Sep-2016 15:22PM
Add Travis and Coveralls support
(Trying out new ownership)
Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 09-Sep-2016 12:46PM
Bringing AHB driver up-to-date and out of the shadows.
Developmental releases to follow until verified within application and web/github docs are
all clean.
Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Nappi on 11-Mar-2016 16:00PM
Added direct address and masking support
Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Nappi on 24-Nov-2015 16:29PM
Fix a typo in vector comments
Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Nappi on 24-Nov-2015 13:27PM
Added comments to transactions
Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Nappi on 24-Nov-2015 08:45AM
Origen web fixes
Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Nappi on 23-Nov-2015 15:10PM
Another Origen fix
Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Nappi on 23-Nov-2015 15:08PM
Bump to fix Gem
Branch: ‘master’
by Chris Nappi on 23-Nov-2015 15:06PM
Initial release
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