Tag: v0.8.2

Branch: ‘master’
by Paul DeRouen on 05-Apr-2021 08:08AM

fix call order bug

Tag: v0.8.1

Branch: ‘master’
by Paul DeRouen on 28-Jan-2021 12:25PM

Allow left justify of partial data

Tag: v0.8.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 18-Dec-2018 02:18AM

Added support for Intel Hex memory image format

Tag: v0.7.0

Branch: ‘master’
by FSL\b04525 on 29-Sep-2017 10:08AM

Removed dependency on ptools

Tag: v0.6.1

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 28-Apr-2017 12:44PM

Fixed bug with flip_endianness option when data width != 4 bytes

Tag: v0.6.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 20-Mar-2017 10:56AM

Added support for reading binary files

Tag: v0.5.2

Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 06-Jan-2016 08:12AM

Increase code coverage.

Tag: v0.5.1

Branch: ‘master’
by Ronnie Lajaunie on 16-Dec-2015 19:17PM

Add crop option to to_a method.

my_srec.to_a(crop: [0x3000_F004])                 # => [[0x3000_F004, 0x55667788],
[0x3000_F008, 0x99AABBCC], ...]

my_srec.to_a(crop: [0x3000_F000, 0x3000_F004])    # => [[0x3000_F000, 0x11223344],
[0x3000_F004, 0x55667788]]

Tag: v0.5.0

Branch: ‘master’
by Stephen McGinty on 07-Aug-2015 06:19AM

Initial open source release

Tag: v0.2.0

Branch: ‘Trunk’
by Stephen McGinty on 27-Jan-2015 08:57AM

Added ability to create memory image objects directly from a string rather than reading from a file:

str = <<-END
0D 15 0F 13 0E 14 10 12
00 00 04 17 04 03 05 06

my_hex = MemoryImage.new(str, source: String)
my_hex.to_a  # => [
             #       [0x2D100E00, 0x0D150F13], [0x2D100E04, 0x0E141012],
             #       [0x2D100E08, 0x00000417], [0x2D100E0C, 0x04030506],
             #    ]

Tag: v0.1.0

Branch: ‘Trunk’
by Stephen McGinty on 07-Jan-2015 08:25AM

Converted to a gem

Tag: v0.0.0.dev0

Branch: ‘Trunk’
by Stephen McGinty on 18-Nov-2014 06:24AM

