Reference ========= Origen Web ----------- * Build the webpages: ``origen web build`` * Build the webpages and launch your browser to view the results: ``origen web build --view`` * Clean the artifacts of a previous run, rebuild the webpages, and launch your browser: ``origen web build --clean --view`` Run ``origen web --help`` or see the |web_cmd| section for further details. Origen's Shorthand Defs ----------------------- Origen includes a set of :link-to:`Shorthand Defs ` (namespaced as ``origen``) for quick referencing to common places your application documentation may point to, especially where new-user or installation guides are concerned: {% set m = importlib.import_module('origen.web.origen_sphinx_extension.shorthand_defs') %} .. code:: python {{ m.defs | pprint }} Reference Materials ------------------- Sphinx Guides ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :sphinx_homepage:`Sphinx Homepage <>` * :sphinx_app:`Sphinx App <>` * :sphinx_conf:`Sphinx's <>` * :sphinx_extensions:`Sphinx Extensions <>` * |origen-s_sphinx_app| * |documenting:origen_included_extensions| * :autodoc_home:`Autodoc <>` * :autoapi_home:`AutoAPI <>` * :link-to:`The origen Sphinx Extension ` * :sphinx_themes:`Sphinx Themes <>` * |ose_theme| Jinja ^^^^^ * :sphinx_templating:`Templating In Sphinx <>` * :jinja_home:`Jinja <>` .. * Templating In Origen .. * Invoking Origen's Compiler .. * Standard Templating Context RST Guides ^^^^^^^^^^ * :sphinx_rst_primer:`Sphinx's RST Primer <>` * :rst_quickstart:`RST Quickstart <>` * :rst_spec:`RST Docs <>` * Other Useful RST/Sphinx Guides * :rst_guide_zephyr:`RST guide from the Zephyr project <>` * :rst_cheatsheet:`RST cheatsheet <>` * :rst_cokelaer_cheatsheet:`RST/Sphinx cheatsheet from Thomas Cokelaer <>` .. RST In Origen Cheatsheet .. """""""""""""""""""""""" .. The below examples show some quick RST examples for common items and any Sphinx or Origen accommodations. .. * Adding a new page .. * Header .. * Toctree .. * Links .. * Internal Page Links .. Example .. * External Links .. Example .. * Linking to APIs .. Example Customizations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Adding a :py:data:`favicon` * Adding :py:data:`logos` * :link-to:`Adding a subproject ` * :link-to:`Configuration Variables ` Other ^^^^^ * :link-to:`Markdown ` * :markdown_home:`Markdown Introduction <>` * :recommonmark_home:`Recommonmark Extension <>` * :link-to:`The Napoleon Extension ` * |google_docstring_spec| * |numpy_docstring_spec| * :link-to:`The Autosectionlabel Extension ` * :link-to:`Prefix document config `